Without Inspiration: A box of matches will never be lit!

So, what  do I mean by this title?  Today’s topic is so long overdue…it is the day to be thankful!  Thankful to whom or what you ask?  Our Association staff, that’s who.  All of us Realtors go about our business, we attend meetings, symposiums, retreats and education.  We ask a lot of questions…about MLS, our dues and our leadership.  Yes, every once in a while we bitch and moan and sometimes, just sometimes we say “thanks”.

If it weren’t for my association, I for one, would never have known some of the things I am truly capable of doing and achieving.  Through the education they have offered, I have learned.  Even before I asked, I have received the help I needed, the guidance to navigate today’s real estate market.  My requests are always fulfilled with a smile. The friends I have made, the pushing when I needed it, the belief in myself when sometimes I didn’t believe, all of this and more…sometimes I took it all for granted.

So my match has been lit and is burning brightly, all because of my Association staff.  I am continually inspired in ways too numerous to count.  And so for myself and for all of you out there, THANKS TO OUR ASSOCIATION STAFF FOR OUR FIRES!  MAY THEY CONTINUE TO BURN BRIGHTLY!

Until Next Monday…

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2 Responses to Without Inspiration: A box of matches will never be lit!

  1. Maria E Brackett says:

    Absolutely correct!!

    I’m extremely comfortable with the merger that occurred last year among the 3 Associations. No regrets and long over due. All members of Miami should reach out to our staff and learn from them how we can become better and more profitable Realtors. I for one really appreciate all they do for us.

  2. MTM says:

    You go girl, together we can do just about anything. Our merger was the best thing to happen for all of us. Happy Turkey day to you and yours

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